Social Ads Campaigns for Omplim

360 digital comunications


Finding a home is complicated. Selling it, too. Even for a responsible building promoter and manager like Omplim, with a quality product and extraordinary added value. Shall we explain how we helped them find potential clients on social networks?

Those seeking a home have something in common: they are looking for a better future. Based on this consumer insight, we built their advertising campaign on social networks. "Ask more of your future" would be a cross-cutting slogan that would allow us to articulate all the messages.

We developed a phased media plan. With waves of advertising that allowed us to learn from the data in each new campaign to improve creatives or refine segmentation. Our goal? To generate quality leads by showing the user what really interests them.


Omplim builds incredible homes and had a lot to say, but also a lot to prioritize. We identified the key messages and the most attractive benefits of their product: sustainable homes, with efficient energy, with key locations within the towns... All to attract potential clients with rotating creatives.

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Strategy for the Panini La Liga album on TikTok

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Campo obligatorio
Campo obligatorio
Campo obligatorio